St. John, USVI, Car Rental

St. John Island is home to numerous beautiful sights and locations. However, since the island is filled with hills and mountains, the best way to navigate them is with a car, truck, or even a bus if you have a larger group. Finding the right vehicle to suit your needs and budget won't be a problem as there are several car companies available within the 20 square miles of the island.

What You Should Know About Driving in St. John

It may take some time to acclimate to driving in St. John as not all the roads are well-paved, straight, or well-lit at night. The island has more steep hills than you would imagine and twisty stretches of road ranging from traditional paved roads to unpaved trails that barely resemble roads at all. If you plan to drive around St. John during your vacation, you may want to practice driving on winding roads and steep hills to feel more confident. Especially if you rent a manual vehicle rather than an automatic one.

It's also important to remember that while the vehicles on the island are built like cars in the United States, where the steering wheels are on the left, motorists drive on the left side of the road like in Europe. This often confuses many visitors because it's a little different from what they are used to back home. The adage "people in the U.S. Virgin Islands drive shoulder to the shoulder" may be beneficial in helping you remember what side of the road you're supposed to be on.

You should also know that the island speed limit is only 35 mph. While it's unlikely you'll be pulled over by a police officer for speeding, there are plenty of goats, donkeys, and local pedestrians walking around that will keep you from going faster than that. There's very little reason to speed even if you wanted to anyway, as you can get across the small island in a relatively amount of short time to meet any reservation time you need. Besides, you don't want to miss a moment of the breathtaking sights you'll be surrounded by in St. John.

Another thing to be aware of while driving on St. John is that you may hear other drivers frequently honking their horns at you. Don't worry, they aren't mad at your driving. This is how people greet each other while in the USVI!

St. John, USVI, Car Rental Companies

There aren't any major car rental companies in St. John, but there are plenty of local businesses that will rent you a vehicle that fits your specific vacation needs. You can visit their websites or call them for their rates, vehicle options, and to reserve a vehicle for your vacation.

Remember that no matter where you rent your vehicle from, you must be at least 25 years old with a valid credit card and a U.S. driver's license.