What Is the Area Code for St. John, USVI?

The area code for St. John in the U.S. Virgin Islands is 340. In fact, that's the area code for all of the U.S. Virgin Islands, including St. Thomas and St. Croix.

It's interesting to note, however, that St. John has only had this area code since 1997.

What Was the Area Code for St. John Before 1997?

Before 1997, the area code for St. John was 809. This was the area code for the entire Caribbean plus Bermuda, and it was assigned in 1958 under the North American Numbering Plan, which issued area codes as part of the switch from using a human operator to make calls to being able to dial phone numbers and call people yourself.

The change from 809 to 340 came about in the mid-1990s, when the proliferation of electronic devices that had their own phone lines led area code 809 to begin rapidly running out of numbers. In response to this, Bermuda and many Caribbean islands were given their own area codes. Today, area code 809 belongs solely to the Dominican Republic.

How Do You Call St. John From the Mainland U.S.?

If you're calling the U.S. Virgin Islands from anywhere in the United States, you'll be glad to know that it's not an international call: St. John is U.S. territory, so you don't need to worry about adding a country code or anything like that. It is a long-distance call from just about anywhere, though, so you'll need to dial 1 plus the full ten-digit number (1-340-XXX-XXXX).